
The main aim of this web site is to promote D.S.P and to be supplementary to the official site run by the D.S.P support group based in Kent, UK.

Pelvis is not a charity, nor even a concrete society; it is a virtual support group and is based, at the moment, entirley over the web.

To collate information from other sufferers into information that can be designed and supplied to medical centres and antenatal clinics to enhance awareness of how women suffer with D.S.P.

To be a place of encouragement and hope to those women who are made to feel "odd" or "mentally ill" when they complain about the level of their pain.

To offer help and advice that might benefit women who may be at risk of developing D.S.P, so that it can be treated quickly and efficiently if diagnosed.

©1999 Kirstein Powell-Hutchison; Coventry, UK